Nah ini dia salah satu local brand yang sebenernya ga bisa ga gw puji. I’m really fall in love with their product and actually also with their price. Their products are gorgeous! Pigmented and lovely. That’s how I describe them. Oh one more, for great quality you’ve got, the price is nice. LT Pro sebenernya salah satu brand make up lokal yang, sebenernya sih emang untuk kelas menengah atas. Ya, gimana lagi, karena rata-rata make up brand lainnya bisa jauh lebih murah. Tapi sekali lagi, kalau kita liat kualitasnya, oh my god, they are so cheap!
Salah satu lipstick andalan gw adalah from LT Pro. Actually it’s not lipstick, but Lip Palette. And guess what, for creamy texture and nice pigmented with 4 beautiful color in a palette, I just need to pay less than 60K! Lemme tell you, if you interested with them and live in Jakarta, don’t forget to visit TOTO di tebet. TOTO sells them (and actually lot of make up, hair treatment, parfume, etc) with really nice price. At least, cheaper than department store, drugstore, etc. Sebenernya nih ya, produk ini gw belinya udah so long time ago, samaan sama si krayolan. Tapi karena ketinggalan dirumah, jarang aku pake deh, dan baru kemarenan ini inget ada doi dan baru sempet melihat kehebatannya <3.
So, it has creamy texture and pigmented color as ever. I can make lot of various color of my lips with this one. Very pink, nude, maroon, red, pale and more. What I do is only mix the color. If I want a li’l bit pearl effect, I just mix with that white color (look on my swatch). For the pearl color, I think it’s just so sticky and hard to blend it out. So i'm rarely using it and only use for my eyes shadow base (if i need to perform saman).
Tapi masalah utamanya adalah setiap abis gw pake dan lupa dikasih lip balm seenggaknya 3days in a row (i'm using nivea petroleum jelly) pasti besoknya bibir gw langsung kering. Emang ga sampe ngelupas sih, tapi ya gimana dong, gw lumayan jarang mengalami bibir bermasalah, jadi kalau muncul sedikiiit aja masalah, udah bener-bener ngeganggu banget (lebay).
Overall, I recommend them to be part of anyone collection (precisely, who have limited budget and still want a nice product, just like me :D)
And here..the swatches!!